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Occasionally we find something belonging to both archaeology and philosophy.

This rough conical depression gouged in fairly soft metamorphic schist rock commonly found along the Olifants River, is apparently specifically for the purpose of precipitating salt crystals. The geology found in the region is very rich in salinity (and other minerals) and consequently the water carries high concentrations in solution. 

Mineral-rich water is poured into the depression surrounding the central cone and due to the design of this structure it would heat quite efficiently and in the process begin evaporating the water. As the midday heat increases, the evaporative process is hastened and eventually result in the crystallisation of the minerals in solution…simple and brilliant.

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There was a moment of standing comprehension when I suddenly recognised the simile between this ancient process and life.

It is only in the forging heat of existential struggle and frustration that, which is vapid, is forced to evaporate from our “living solution” resulting in the crystallisation of a much purer essence of ourselves.

Instead of deliberately shying away from heat (conflict/discomfort) we should be embracing it with the intention of it precipitating a better version of who we are.

This intention will render most of the dread we cultivate for certain uncomfortable situations toothless and more bearable.

May you succeed in converting perceived negative, into crystallising, experiences!

Yours in awareness,


From The Belly Of The Baobab…


Enough…Is Enough…