The Queen Of Trees…
The tree which moves some to tears of joy
is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity...
and some scarce see nature at all.
But to the eyes of the man of imagination,
nature is imagination itself. - William Blake.
From as early as I can remember, trees have always touched my soul.
Childish awe and wonder gave way to scientific interest and understanding, which ultimately returned to the former, including the latter.
What I mean by this is that incorporating the scientific understanding of how trees function and live into how I see them, has added to my perception of the wonder that is a tree. Considering that it is nature’s way of expressing herself through the molecular structures defining each and every different species of tree, she is incredibly creative and has an eye for balance.
I have always thought that trees somehow always look balanced. The slant in their trunks to the left are often counter-balanced by longer or larger boughs to the right...never awkward.
I vividly remember a massive (slightly slanting) Weeping Boer-bean tree on the Southern bank of the Sand River in the Sabie-Sand Game Reserve which had a lateral root straight across the track which paralleled the river. One of the guides decided that the root was an inconvenience to the vehicles constantly bumping over it...and chopped it out with a panga. The very next day we turned the bend only to find the entire tree had collapsed! So precariously delicate was it’s balance below ground level, that the slightest alteration resulted in its demise. We were gobsmacked and never again could I look at a tree sans visually constructing the equal and opposite reflection of the branches above ground, in the roots under ground. It is a beautiful way of truly seeing trees instead of just looking at the visible.
The next time you find yourself drawn to a tree, stop for a moment and allow your imagination to fill in the blanks. See the network of anastomosing roots from thick and anchor-like all the way through to the tiny hair-roots spreading down and out, all connected to the supporting soil which in turn releases its nutrients through the dissolving power of water, absorbed through the incredible surface-area presented by the roots, flowing up into the cambium (capillary system) and transported all over the tree to where it is needed. The sunlight falling in on the leaves, driving the photosynthesis which powers the circulation of life-giving juices. All perfect.
Trees deserve to be hugged...and you should garner the courage to do so...
Yours in awareness