Incipient Chrysalis…

Cocooned in our homes for the foreseeable future, we have an opportunity to seriously consider the opportunity handed us in this forced confinement...scrutinising the pre- cocoon status-quo, reimagining it with an eye on personal growth.

Emotional and spiritual reconstitution is available to those taking stock and left wanting. Retention of what is intrinsically our authentic selves and sloughing off of that which does not serve our revised future, is a precious gift. I for one am noting habits worth shedding... and am committed to leaving them behind, once we can spread our wings again and fly.

The comfort of familiarity is strong, but developing into our full potential will require immense courage, stepping out of the known and into our true selves. May we all be bold enough to not get in the way of our authentic DNA expressing itself in a more beautiful version of ourselves...

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Yours in awareness


Dare To Look The Other Way…


Kruger Backpack Trail…