This Too, Shall Pass…
Looking at spoor (tracks) is an insanely rewarding pastime.
Not only are they an indication of who passed...but also what they were up to, where they were heading and the sequential superimposition of each also alludes to the chronology of movement...evidence all left in the sand.
In the pic below it is clear that this particular patch is rather popular.
With clear signs of at least four passers-by...can you guess who and estimate the sequence?
Besides these obvious deductions, there is also another possible interpretation of this spoor. Events, emotions, people and thoughts are all different animals passing through our lives, some benign, some not...leaving behind evidence of their passing and influence. Fresh ones have sharper edges, displaying great relief and detail, yet others only a faint scuff or impression.
All, bar none, fading over time as wind and elements weather their memory, eventually being replaced by other spoor laid down.
Whether benevolent or malevolent, allow them to continue along their path at their natural pace, attempts to interrupt their flow or alter their route will surely result in unintended consequences. Recognise and appreciate each for whom they are...and let them...
Like the Persian Sufi said “This too shall pass”... Yours in awareness